So as the Christmas season approaches, more and more mail order catalouges are clogging up my mailbox by the day and the items are getting crazier and crazier every year. Just today, I get my usually clogging of mail junk and see this gem on the back cover:
It's called "Money To Burn" tell me why why WHY on earth would someone bother spending money for this? You're sending them money for them to send you money that you're going to burn?!?! What kind of Effed up logic is that?? Why not just eliminate the middle man and roll up your hard earned 15 bucks and toss it in the fireplace? It's the same thing. You still get the same outcome...burning money. I think my way is just a little bit easier...and you don't have to pay shipping and handling charges or wait 6 to 8 weeks for delivery either.
Then there's THIS humdinger of a purchase....
Now THIS has got to be the worst thing I've ever seen in my life...and I've seen alot of shit in my day....ALOT. This is another thing that just makes you wonder why Why WHY would someone waste their hard earned money on this. The first thing I can think when I saw this today was .."Wow, this product is totally NOT for those who leave their lights up all year long!" I can see it now....walkin around WalMart some hot summer day and seeing a scattered few still wearing their Christmas light necklaces....same logic as the house lights right? Might as well leave those suckers on there all year...saves time for next year.
Some other random things that always lead me to wonder WHY...
- Why do you always have to fight with public bathroom toilet paper rolls to get more then one square at a time? This always happens to me at matter what stall I choose...I always end up having to take sqaure by square.
- Why do people always ride your bumper when you're trying to change lanes on the highway? I speed up, they speed up. I slow down, they slow down. It's thing I have to say to those a-holes who do this.....MAKE UP YOUR $&%^ MIND and STAY AWAY FROM ME ON THE ROAD.
- Why does Carrot Top keep getting work?
- Why do people look at me funny when I tell them my favorite move is Killer Klowns From Outter Space
- Why does the bank charge you money when you don't have enough in your account and then yell at you for being negative? It's their damn fault I'm negative in the first place....some nerve charging me 40 bucks for writing a 9 dollar check.
That's about it for now I shift here at I95 is comming to a close in a few min, so I'm gonna go round up my coat...sans scarf...cuz' you know, I always love some part of my body to feel nude.
6 years ago
Can you spare a square? lol...remember that from the Senfield episode when Elane is in the bathroom?
Oh and I remember that movie! I loved the song too..."killer klowns....frum outta space..."
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