Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super(commercial)bowl Sunday

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Wow, it's been a whole week since my last post. I guess that's what happens when you start a new job, which I did last week. So, I guess I need to figure out my schedule to get my blogs in =).

It's Superbowl Sunday and to be truthful, I could give a shit about the game. I don't know anything about football, I don't like football and I'm only in it today for the booze and commercials. Hey, at least I'm honest. I'm also looking forward to making my buffalo chicken dip..I haven't made that in a long time.

So speaking of supercommercialbowl sunday, it seems like this year's Nipplegate is the commercials. There was a commercial for a gay dating website that got 86'd, but they'll allow a pro life commercial?!? It's gotta be because Tim "crybaby" Tebow is in it. Why? Why? WHY push your personal agenda of pro life down my throat, major tv network, but don't allow another's lifestyle on the air? WTF is that about? Seriously. At least they let Planned Parenthood step up and air a Pro Choice commercial to give the other side of the spectrum. Can you immagine the uproar if the network hadn't let that happen? Unreal. How they think absolutely amazes me...."let's run multimillion dollar spots about abortion, but fuck that gay dating website spot...that's gross. we don't want people to think we're ok with being gay...let's push our anti abortion agenda on them instead...that's not as bad" You might think I'm exagerating, but I'm not.
On to my newest favorite thing. John Mayer. Don't get me wrong, I've been into John Mayer's hottness since he sexed it up with "Your Body is a Wonderland", but now I've discovered that he is an AMAZING soundbyte.
I keep up on the whole pop culture scene and do alot of reading to prep for my show at K104 and two weeks in a row, John has spit out some serious gems. Last week there was a story about how he spoke out about musicians/celebs that try to be what they're not with putting out clothing lines and perfumes. He says
“Who out there really goes, ‘You know what, I just fucking love perfumes. I always have since I was a kid. If I weren’t a pop singer, I’d be a perfumier…’? I’m not diversifying in terms of selling anything. I’m not selling ‘John Mayer: the cologne’. If I did it would just smell like sausage and sleep,”
Then this week to my delight, another great John Mayer soundbyte gem. This time about Tiger Woods. He says,
"Tiger Woods' problems come from him being married. The End. If Tiger Woods was single and he texted a girl and said 'I wanna wear your ass like a hat', why would that ever hit the news? I can text whatever I want to anybody in the world; I'm not married. I write alot of dirty text messages to girls, and you've never seen any of them"
I for one would love to either A)be a recipient of one of these dirty txts or B) at least be able to see them. HA!
Cheers to you John Mayer, you crazy sonofabitch! I look forward to next week's soundbyte gem!


MrsDixon said...

OMG! This is too funny and so true! You are hilarious!