I took a bold step and changed the name of my blog. I think the name I settled on is pretty fitting. Life out Loud - Chronicles and Ramblings of an Unemployed 20something. I am techically living my life out loud by getting my butt back on the blogging scene and taking it seriously. I have so much inside of me that I just want to get off my chest, plus hell, it's nice to feel like I'm talking to someone that's listening. I don't get much human interaction during the day seeing that I'm always home alone with my dog, Solara, except on the days that Shane is off of work. And for someone that is a motor mouth and LOVES to talk, not talking at all is HELL! So of course the first time I'm with someone that's human and conversational, I have diareahha of the mouth and can't shut up. So if you're ever in this postition, please just tell me to shut up if I'm dominating the conversation. I've linked the new site up on my facebook, so hopefully anyone that would link to me or checks out my blog should get the new address. On that note, I'm shutting up now...lol. I'm sure I'll be back later!
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