It is apparent that amongst the excitement of Ghettotainment, I forgot about Motivational Monday. Partially I guess, because I was slightly motivated yesterday. I got up nice and early, got dressed up all pretty and drove down to Trumbull in the middle of a monsoon to go to a job fair.
I had preregistered online two weeks prior and still had to stand in this HUGE ASS line when I got there. I was able to head in for a seminar I wanted to go to in which I got to call out the guy from the DOL when he started selling the fact that there are WIA(workforce investment act) dollars available to the unemployed for reskilling. I promptly raised my hand after his schpeel about it during the Q&A and quite proudly called him out on it. The truth about the WIA money is that, if you got laid off in late '08 or very early '09, you might have a chance at money...but if you didn't get laid off and get your dislocated worker certification early enough, you got screwed - like I did.
*cue the tangent from my original point*
I got laid off in April of '09. Was all gung ho to get my nursing career in gear. Did everything I was supposed to. Went to meetings, waited for meetings, finally got my dislocated worker certification in effing August! I had finished my CNA course and was ready to gear up for the LPN program. After my first meeting with my caseworker, I was all excited for it. Then my second meeting, not so excited. Was handed a letter from the DOL that pretty much said,
OK, so back to my original point....Motivation Monday. (I actually just had to scroll back up to the top of the blog to remember what I was originally talking about...I know, I distract easily)
I went to the jobfair, called out and embarassed the DOL guy, waited in line AGAIN. Took frikin forever to get into the area with the employers. What a bust! I seriously only gave out two resumes. Every single employer there was sales based with the exception of the military, fire department, connecticut post and invisible fence. I submitted to the latter two obviously. I just shouldn't be allowed to go near fire arms or fire. Period. Seriously.
I drove back home through the monsoon, again. I seriously felt like I should've been driving an arc rather than my mitsu endeavor. So, I guess that was slightly motivational. It took all my motivation to stay after seeing the lines I tell ya!
I guess one good thing came out of the whole job thing. I applied to about 20 jobs over the weekend and ended up with only ONE interview. ONE. O-N-E!
WTF!! So, I have an interview tomorrow...wish me luck! I'll let ya know how it goes!
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