Monday, March 7, 2011

Cat got your tounge....

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Let me give you a little detail on this house consists of myself, Shane (DH), Josh (LO), a doggie and 2 cats (Solara, Deenah and Boo) all 5 of us in our 2br townhouse condo.  The dog has adjusted wonderfully to having LO around and the younger of the two cats, Boo, could care long as she has food she's happy. 

Then there's Deenah.

Deenah is an 11 year old calico and while I love this cat to death, she's become a serious pain in my still larger than normal ass.  She's always been kind of a pain, always having to be in the middle of everything and scratching at papers trying to get attention.  The funny part is when you give her the attention, she runs away.  She doesn't want to be held and only wants to be pet on her terms...typical cat.  She was fine the first few weeks LO was home, but last week she started trying to get into EVERYTHING.  She's been in little man's pack n play, trying to get into his room, caught in the bassinet next to our bed.  I even tried putting little man's play mat over the opening of the pack n play to keep her out....yeah, she figured that one out and found a way in.  When she's not tormenting me by getting into LO's stuff, she's in the kitchen sink, walking along the counter tops past the bottles that are drying or just perching on the kitchen table.  The funny part is, this cat wanted nothing to do with being downstairs on the first floor all day for almost 2 years since we got the dog and now she's down here all day - everyday.  Needless to say this cat is working on my last

Annnd now it's time to go sterilize the new bottles I bought today.