Friday, March 4, 2011

Missing in Action!

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Holy Freholies where has the time gone?! Wow it has been almost a year since my last post. Alot has happend and I'm gonna try to not neglect my blog as much anymore.

Where should I start? Well I guess where I left off...we never sold the condo and Shane and I had our first baby! Josh is the other love of my life. How could you not love this little guy??

My head first dive into mommyhood was not without incident though.  His delivery was rather traumatic due to a botched epidural...but God bless my OB, Dr. Miller, for making the right call and getting my little guy here quickly and safely.  Then came the postpartum depression....ugh.  That hit me like a ton of bricks.  Not only was I dealing with the "I'm a first time mom and don't know what I'm doing" feelings, the stress of breastfeeding and pumping, but I also dreaded being alone during the day with my little much so it would make me want to vomit.  I was so unbeleiveably stressed out that I cried hysterically for no reason all the time and finally made the call to get back on the happy pills. =)  And I stopped breastfeeding which took a ton of stress off of me and little man.  I am proud of myself for trying to breastfeed and sticking it out for 3 weeks, but it is mother effing HARD man and it hurts! They don't tell you that in the books!

 Breastfeeding and pumping is like having a whole other full time job....taking care of a newborn is a job in and of itself....but put the stress of trying to breastfeed on top of that and holy cow!  Disaster!  Little dude was constantly on the boob and I didn't get to bond and enjoy him at all.  So now we're on the bottle (formula....not the other bottle), sleeping 4-6 hrs at night and everyone is happy!  My next hurdle will be going back to work...another thing I'm dreading.  But I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. 

I look forward to sharing my new experiences and seeing what my blog will become as I journey further down the road of motherhood.  I hope you all still enjoy what you read =).


Lisa M said...

Hi there, I'm in the january baby club and I went through the same thing with breastfeeding and the horrible stress of it all. I also broke down crying on more than one occasion. Life because so much better when we switched to the bottle. Have you gone back to work yet???

Jenn said...

Hey girl! Thanks for checkin out my blog! I love you ladies from the january baby club!!! That board is my sanity during the day! I haven't gone back to work yet...supposed to go back 4/15. But now we're in neighbor who was going to watch my LO might have gotten a job! I might end up being a SAHM.