Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Hi my name is Jenn and I'm unemployed"....(all in unison) "Hi Jenn"

So I've recently joined the ranks of the unexpectedly unemployed....on my first day back to work after being on disability nonetheless. Well now I'll have soooo much time to blog =) and it will also allow me to do what I've really wanted to do for a long time....go to nursing school! So I'm 27 and on my way to my 3rd career. It's never to late to follow your heart. I still plan on writing on the side freelance style and will always have a passion for that as well, that's something I have in my soul that I can't deny.

So with the formalities aside, let me tell you how I feel like I've joined a support group. As expected, I filed for unemployment and went into the info session this past week, man did I feel like I was in a support group. I looked around at all the desolate faces and felt like standing up and saying " name is Jenn and I'm unemployed". There should be twelve steps for this...sponsers,even. (wow..did I just channel Snagglepus or what?!)

I've been on unemployment before a few years ago, but never was it like this. There were such a mix of people in that meeting...from people like me that are still in their 20's and looking to follow their career to those that were displaced from their company after 15 or 20 years. Those are the ones I feel for the most. You've got someone in their 40's that unexpectedly looses their job, more than likely has kids in or about to go to college and paying a mortgage on a house and supporting a family. This person hasn't had to look for a job in decades and hasn't updated their resume in years let alone probably doesn't know much about searching for a job on the internet. They're missing the technological/internet skills that those of us younger folks have these days. I feel so bad for these people. It makes me want to volunteer at the unemployment office to help those in need. But then what happens to my job search? Well...eventhough I'm still searching for jobs, I'm also waiting for my funding to come through for nursing programs.

On the job search topic, I'm sure this goes without saying, but DAMN there are NO jobs out there!!! I did a search for import/export and supply chain logistics...NOTHIN! How depressing is that! One of the only places I know hiring right now is PetSmart...incredible huh? I can't wait to go back to school to keep myself busy. I've been out of work on disability for the last two months and even though I'm appreciating having the nice weather to enjoy, I can't stand sitting around the house doing nothing but searching for jobs on the internet. It's always the same crap day after day. At least I still have the radio gigs on the weekend. It's definitely time to incorporate my entertainment company and get things off the ground with my dj/karaoke gigs!!! If you readers need a DJ/KJ in the New England area, check out my website at and click on Starshine Entertainment.

On that note, it's almost time to watch my 7pm episode of Scrubs and head off to Putnam House karaoke =) Stay tuned for more!~