I think I just developed a new hobby...LOL. It's 12:30am...my little guy is dead asleep and has been sleeping throught the night lately...now I can't sleep....WTF! So I was lurking around my January Mommy Board on Baby Center and there has apparently been a ton of drama over there that I missed (damnit) and alot of posts poking fun at some of the stuff have popped up and gotdamit they are mother effing hillarious! So this post about our little ones not holding their bottles started and it's gone on for days and is so funny! It's evolved to a bunch of different things and of all things, Charlie Sheen is the latest topic.
This is where this brilliant hobby comes in. One of the girls there, Nicole, had mentioned that they've made lol cats about Sheen (see: sheen cats) and that they should make the crazy baby faces with Sheen quotes. So at midnight, I take it upon myself to make a few and here they are ...enjoy!
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